These characteristics and types allow knitted jersey fabrics to be widely used across different applications, from clothing to home textiles, offering both comfort and versatility. Here’s the information about “knitted submersible jersey fabric,” its features, and types:
![These characteristics and types allow knitted jersey fabrics to be widely used across different applications, from clothing to home textiles, offering both comfort and versatility. Here's the information about "knitted submersible jersey fabric," its features, and types:](
- Flexibility and Durability: Knitted jersey fabrics are typically flexible and durable due to their knitted construction. This provides comfort and allows freedom of movement in garments.
- Smooth Surface: Being usually knitted on both sides, they have a smooth surface on both the front and the back, which is advantageous for sewing and design purposes.
- Breathability: Knitted structures often enhance breathability, making the fabric more comfortable to wear.
- Easy Care: They are generally easy to care for and can withstand washing and wear well.
Types of Fabric:
- Textured Knitted Jersey Fabrics: These can feature various textured patterns and are used in a variety of fashion items for their aesthetic appeal.
- Pique Fabrics: These have a soft, textured surface and are commonly used in underwear and home textiles.
- Rib Knit Fabrics: These are known for their fine ribbed pattern and stretchy nature. They are widely used in sportswear and underwear.
- Interlock Knit Fabrics: These are heavier and tightly knit fabrics with a double-sided construction. They are often used in high-end clothing and outerwear.